BSA Troop 33 - Boys
BSA Troop 34G - Girls
Cub Scout Pack 33
Scouting builds character and teaches children age 6 – 11 years devotion to God in an environment that provides wholesome fun under the guidance of strong adult role models. Scoutmasters help children grow into adulthood by offering fun and adventure, values-based character, education and training in citizenship, service and leadership. Meetings are held Tuesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. If you love children and outdoor activities, especially camping then join us as we journey with the children of our parish as a Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, Parent or adult volunteer.
BSA Troop 33 (Boys) - ROBERT HALL…..rhall30094@yahoo.
BSA Troop 34G (Girls) - PATRICK MURPHY…..p[email protected]
Cub Scout Pack #33 - PATRICK THOMPSON.....[email protected]