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Stewardship of Treasure
Online giving is now easier than ever! We have an exciting new, easy-to-use giving portal powered by PushPay. Convenient giving with credit card, bank transfer or ApplePay.
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You can make a one-time contribution or set up a recurring giving schedule for Offertory giving, the Building Fund, Disaster Relief, Holy Days and St. Vincent de Paul.Giving to a Stewardship Parish
The US Bishops Pastoral Letter on Stewardship tells us that a steward is one who receives God’s gifts gratefully, cultivates them responsibly, shares them lovingly and in justice, and returns them with an increase to the Lord.
Our Lady of the Rosary is a Stewardship parish. Through the Stewardship of our time, talent, & treasure, we strive to minister to the spiritual and material needs of all God's children. Let us pray together that we can use our time, talent and treasure to glorify the Lord.