O.C.I.A. (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) adapted for Children and Youth is a Faith Formation program that prepares your children or youth/teens to receive Sacraments which may include Baptism, First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation. This program may be suitable for Children and Youth who have not received all of their Sacraments for their age/grade (see bullet chart) or Children and Youth of a different religion desiring to become Catholic.
Please contact Fr. Raju to discuss O.C.I.A. options for your child(ren) or youth. Each situation is discussed and evaluated on an individual basis to determine if this Faith Formation program is the right next step for your child(ren) or youth/teen(s).
O.C.I.A. for Children (7 Years Old through 5th Grade)
O.C.I.A. for Youth (6th Grade through 12th Grade)