Assist with the Liturgy
There are numerous ways to get involved assisting with the Liturgy including Altar Servers, Lectors, Sacristans, Ushers, Tech Team, Livestream Team and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
Music Ministry
Share your musical talents with your fellow Parishioners! We are always looking for choir members of all ages and instrumentalists.
St. Kateri Sodality
Sodality members tend to the spiritual needs of the sick and homebound by bringing them Holy Communion on a weekly basis.
Divine Mercy Cenacles
Cenacles are small faith sharing groups who gather to spread the truth of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and encouraging the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet for the sick, dying, and pro-life causes.
Virtual Bible Study
Join your fellow Parishioners to study the Bible at home! Weekly Bible Study sessions are conducted via Zoom.
Prayer Groups
Meet with fellow Parishioners to pray!
Bear Makers
Bear Makers meet on Mondays at 10:00am in Rosary Hall. They make simple, cuddly, Boo Boo Teddy bears which are donated to local hospitals, wounded Troops and health centers to bring smiles to small children’s faces and grins of love from our men and women wounded in battle. No experience necessary! Contact Suzie Garrett 813-973-1117.
We have a variety of committees that are always looking for new members!
Live Embers - Seniors Ministry
Rosary Makers
Join this group for spiritual growth and fellowship as they make and share rosaries for the foreign missions, prisons, hospitals, nursing homes and the homebound. Rosaries are made at home. This group is open to parishioners of all ages.
St. Nicholas Society (a.k.a. Papa Noel)
The members of this society organize, collect and distribute Christmas gifts for migrant children and the poor within the Land O’ Lakes community. Contact Sheila Vega 813-949-4565.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
This international Catholic lay organization seeks to relieve the suffering of the poor and disadvantaged through the personal charity of its members and by responsibly funneling the charitable gifts of OLOR parishioners to those in need of physical or financial assistance. They bring Christ's love to all in need. Contact Sharon Turner 813-949-6094.