During preparation for Confirmation our aim is to keep in focus the graces and gifts which the sacrament of Confirmation grants to us.
Confirmation leads the Christian toward a more intimate union with Christ and a more lively familiarity with the Holy Spirit, in order to be more capable of assuming the apostolic responsibilities of Christian life (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 1309)
Sacramental catechesis (the preparation to celebrate the sacrament) is a process of conversion. The primary purpose of preparation is more than the assurance that a candidate "knows enough" to celebrate the sacrament. Rather, we want to emphasize education and formation. Preparation should put people in touch with the sacramental mystery they are about to celebrate in such a way that they are formed, shaped and transformed by that mystery. Sacramental preparation should lead us to ask the question of ourselves, "What difference does this action mean to me and how can I best reflect that difference in my life as a Christian?"
Teens: For more information on the program contact us in the main office at 813-949-4565 or the Youth Minister. You can also click here to register.
Adults: Baptized Adults who practice their Catholic Faith but have not yet been confirmed should click here to complete the Become Catholic form so special arrangements may be made for Confirmation.